Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Ethic Free Essays
MGT3201 / 3231: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND GRADING STRUCTURE Individual Case Study (20%) This assessment criteria and grading structure is used as the: 1. general guidelines for marking written coursework, and 2. feedback to the students for future improvement. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Ethic or any similar topic only for you Order Now |Content |Analysis |Evidence of Reflection |Achievement of Learning | | | | | |Outcomes | |20 |Excellent quality of |Extremely through analysis|Describes and evaluates all |Full synthesis of the | | |content; very wide range |of material given; high |events from multiple |module through the | | |of options considered, |level of self-awareness |perspectives; transfers |achievement learning | | |imaginative and creative |and aspirations; |concepts beyond that |outcomes and full | |17 |approach. Excellent range |convincing and lucid |particular setting; |understanding of the | | |of appropriate resources |justification of choices |recognizing and justifying |process. | | |used. |made. |the impact of a specific | | | | | |situation on learning. | | |16. |Very good quality content,|Very through analysis; |Describes ad evaluates some |Some evaluation of the | | |wide range of options |very good level of |events from different |Learning Outcomes. | | |considered, through |self-awareness an d |perspectives; transfers some | | | |approach. Very good use of|aspirations; through |concepts; can recognize | | |14 |resources available. |justification of choices |impact of specific situations| | | | |made. |on learning. | | |13. 9 |Good quality content, |Good analysis; good level |Describes and evaluates |Evidence of application of| | reasonable range of |of self-awareness; some |events but stays in one |the learning outcomes. | | |options considered. Good |justification of choices |domain. | | | |use of resources. |made. | | | |10 | | | | | |9. 9 |Satisfactory content with |Some analysis; some levels|Uses practical and simplistic|Evidence of understanding | | |few options considered. |of self-awareness, little |statements to describe |the Learning Outcomes. | | |May be less through |justification. Limited |events; some sense of cause | | | |approach. Some evidence of|explanation of choices |and effect; some sense of | | |6 |use of resources. |made. |transfer. | | |5. 9 |Meager quality of content,|Adequate analysis; little |Descries personal experience |Acknowledgement of the | | |only one or two options |level of self-awareness; |only; little sense of cause |Learning Outcomes. | | |considered. Very basic, |limited justification; |and effect; little sense of | | | |limited approach. Poor use|poor explanation of |transfer. | | |3 |of resources. |choices made. | | | |2. 9 |Very poor quality of |No evidence of analysis. |Describes personal experience|Few Learning Outcomes | | |content, no detail. No | |in a simplistic manner only. |achieved. | | |evidence’s of use of | | | | |0 |resources. | | | | ? 1500 word Report (excluding appendices) Content, relevancy to the topic title, authenticity of material provided and etc. ? Literature Review (Resources) ? Emphasis on Referencing (Harvard Referencing System) ? The Assignment should be of an analysis, evaluative, argumentative, synthesis of moral justifications, reasoning , concise lucid and excellent range of appropriate resources used rather than purely descriptive and should include a number of appendices, containing Supporting evidence for findings, analysis, conclusions and Recommendations Assessment Class:MGT3201 / MGT3231 Business Ethics Case Study: Group Members:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1) Define the Issue ____ ______________________________________________________________ ) Analysis / Arguments __________________________________________________________________ 3) Evidence of reflection / Justification __________________________________________________________________ 4) Moral Reasoning / Achievement of Learning Outcome __________________________________________________________________ 5) Resources __________________________________________________________________ Total Score:_____ / 100 marks Final Percentage:_____ / 20% Guidelines for the Individual Report (20%) In order to facilitate processing of the Academic standard of report, please follow the general guidelines for the format and preparation of the individual report. Must have the following formatting: | |Spacing – double line paragraphs | |Font – Tahoma 10 or 11 point or Times New Roman 12 point | |Bolds – emphasis of paragraph titles or headings | |Margins set at 1†(top, bottom, left and right sides) | |Justification – left | |Page numbering: beginning on first page of report (not cover page) | |Headers or footers: name of student ID, programme of study, academic session | |Spelling and grammar checked | |Programs – Microsoft Word or Excel if you have tables is preferred. | How to cite Business Ethic, Papers
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