Saturday, May 23, 2020
Leadership Experience - A Personal Perceptive Essay
Effective Leadership The purpose of this personal assessment is to devalue an incident in which I believe I performed my very best, within my leadership capability, according to organizational policies, and lawful regulatory compliance while protecting cultural competence and our organization from any legal repercussions. Business environment will continue evolve and it is pivotal to the success of the organization that all potential leaders acquire the fundamentals of understanding human behaviors within a multicultural atmosphere. Different situations will arise in which leadership will need to focus on the many aspects of one’s personal beliefs, culture as a whole, and productivity at the least. What is evident is the diversity within†¦show more content†¦The incident in question has placed me in a unique opportunity; as the facilitator of this situation would be best to approach this in a manner that would best benefit the organization, including my department. Although I am already conflicting within with personal and professional points of views, addressing the situation will become a challenge. Despite who initiated this situation or who escalated the situation, resolution must be determined in the best interest of communication within our environment. Leadership Applicability Leadership styles and behaviors very depending on the organization needs, cultural diversity, and human behavior (Northouse, 2013), however, no one leadership style is more effective than the next. Working in the healthcare industry, I’m exposed to an extensive array of different characteristics ranging from patient to professional to external third-party contractors, including the diversity within my department. However, given the situation in question position the position I’m placed in can only mean one thing; following the set forth policies will be the direction that is taking for the situation, this will allow me to remove myself personal perceptions and beliefs. As aShow MoreRelatedMy Life At The Age Of 18 Months Old1426 Words  | 6 Pageswhile parents try to figure out all the logistics when adopting a child, whether domestically-like my older brother-or internationally-like myself. To be one of the key people in uniting a child with their new, permanent fam ily would be a job and experience that would never grow old. However, I have also developed passion for all forms of social justice and social work can be a way I exercise this passion. As I said, my life has been relatively comfortable. However, this feeling of comfort has alwaysRead MoreLeadership Is The Most Important Aspect Of Being Successful. 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However, emotional intelligence is teachable to improve the personal skills and personality. A person with proper emotional intelligence has the ability of effective leadership. Therefore, inRead MoreServant Leadership Is A Term Defined By Robert L. Greenleaf918 Words  | 4 PagesServant Leadership Servant leadership is a term defined by Robert L. Greenleaf in 1970 (Spear, 2010). Marquis and Huston, (2015, p. 56) describe servant leadership as, â€Å"†¦put serving others†¦as the number-one priority. In addition, servant leaders foster a service inclination in others that promotes collaboration, teamwork, and collective activism.†This is a type of leadership style that can positively impact one’s relationships with others. Servant leadership has various characteristics that distinguishRead MoreReflective Reflection895 Words  | 4 Pagesin my undergraduate studies. Reflective practice according to Barbour (2013), â€Å"is the cyclic process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, existing knowledge, and experience; resulting in a changed conceptual perceptive and practice†(p. 7). According to Barbour (2013), reflective process has many posi tive outcomes to help guide the nurse to become an expert nurse that can make on the spot decisionsRead MoreReflection On Self Assessment1164 Words  | 5 Pagesclose to four years of work experience ranging from being the youngest and the least experienced in the team to leading a team of 5 people. I have frequently reflected on my leadership style and personal characteristics that determines my work style. The results have been consistent with my career progression. This is the first time that I have taken some of these self-assessment tests after I started my graduate degree and I am happy to see the progression in leadership skills. Self - Reflection FollowingRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Leadership1208 Words  | 5 Pageswill question almost all decisions they make. My personal moral philosophy is closely tied to my philosophy of leadership. I reside in the first category of people, those that operate in a moral philosophy that has not been specifically identified, but is strongly tied to my faith. This paper will allow me to express my own personal and leadership philosophy. My personal philosophy has been molded and developed by my upbringing, faith and experiences in my life. A nature and nurture process co-existsRead MorePersonal Statement : Personal Vision Statement Essay1248 Words  | 5 PagesPersonal Vision Statement I believe that education; preparation and planning are keys to success. My vision is to apply those principles to my work ethic and applies my knowledge and skills to my professional performance. Therefore, better my workplace delivering excellence in results and stand out as a leader. I strongly believe that the most important part of a business is its people, and example is the best way to express an effective organizational culture. Personal Mission Statement I amRead MoreA Dream Jobs And Potential Career Opportunities1639 Words  | 7 Pages In the description of the skills required Morgan Stanley make it explicitly clear what type of workers they are looking for. To acquire an internship at this firm it states you must have excellent leadership skills. In every workplace in the industry of finance it is key to demonstrate leadership qualities. There will be times where you need to be the leader and take command of a project and ensure all the other workers are on task and achieve the goals that were set out at the start. MorganRead MoreHow Leaders And Non Leaders Throughout Higher Education Setting1320 Words  | 6 Pagespoints in terms of emergent leadership in study teams. In line with Offermann et al. (1994), the results suggest that most of respondents perceive and regard it as a positive concept. There might be two reasons for this: one is the concept of leadership seems positive; the other is that most of researches discuss the good side of leadership and this guides readers to think leadership positively. Based on data analysis, leadership in this study tend to be a perceptive process. The findings provide
Monday, May 18, 2020
Everyone vs. Every One How to Choose the Right Word
Everyone and every one have similar roles to play in the English language, but these roles arent exactly the same. Everyone always refers to human beings, while every one could refer to the members of a group of any type of thing. How to Use Everyone The word everyone is an indefinite pronoun. That is to say, it is a pronoun that refers to an indefinite group of people. Everyone (one word) is a synonym for everybody (although everybody is slightly less formal), and it means all the people, every person, as in Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo. Everyone always refers to people, to humans, or to humanity in general. How to Use Every One The phrase every one (which combines a modifier and a noun) is more explicit, referring to each individual or thing in a particular group, as in Every one of our friends has gone to the zoo. Every one is usually followed by the preposition of. In practice, every one is a near synonym of each one of a set, so it does not necessarily refer to people at all; therefore, you must state who or what you are referring to. Examples If youre referring to human beings, your choice of everyone versus every one is a question of intent. If you mean to make a generalization that means every person, use everyone. Everyone loves potatoes and Everyone in the cafeteria loves potatoes are general statements.Everybody Loves Raymond was a popular television show, but not everyone liked it. If you wish to be specific or emphatic, use every one and be sure to state who one refers to. Every one of the students in the cafeteria loves potatoes defines who one refers to.God bless us, every one! spoken by Tiny Tim in Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, is a blessing specific to us. If he had omitted the us, Dickens would have to have written God bless everyone or God bless every one of us, neither of which is as memorable as the original. On the other hand, if you are referring to nonhuman objects, always use every one, as in Every one of those potatoes is rotten.Ive counted every one of those chairs, and I know there is not enough seating for everyone whos coming. In this case, every one could be replaced by each, but every one is more emphatic. How to Remember the Difference Everyone always refers to people. Every one, on the other hand, is a synonym of each and can refer to people or anything else, living or not. You cant use each in a sentence without identifying who or what each refers to, and the same is true of every one. Sources Every One; Everyone. The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., University of Chicago Press, 2010, p. 280.Everyone | Definition of Everyone in English by Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries | English, Oxford Dictionaries.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Qu es la green card y que informacin hay que saber
La greencard es el documento que acredita que una persona es residente permanente legal en los Estados Unidos (LPR, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Tambià ©n se la conoce como tarjeta de residencia permanente. Los residentes gozan de importantes derechos, pero su estatus no es igual al de ciudadano, ya que entre unos y otros hay importantes diferencias. Siendo el mà ¡s importante que salvo rarà simas excepciones la nacionalidad no se pierde mientras que la pà ©rdida de la residencia es un evento mà ¡s comà ºn. Cà ³mo se obtiene la green card y por quà © puede ser denegada Hay muchos caminos que conducen a la greencard, siendo los mà ¡s comunes las peticiones de familia, pero hay muchas otras. A la hora de obtenerla hay que tener en cuenta que los trà ¡mites pueden demorarse desde apenas unos meses a mà ¡s de 20 aà ±os, por lo que al iniciar el proceso es un dato a tener en cuenta. La forma mà ¡s rà ¡pidas para conseguir la green card es por ser cà ³nyuge, hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, padre o madre de un ciudadano americano. Tambià ©n conviene saber que hay mà ¡s de 40 razones por las que la greencard puede ser negada al final de la tramitacià ³n porque convierten a una persona en inadmisible para los Estados Unidos. Cà ³mo es la green card La green card es una tarjeta de tamaà ±o similar a una de crà ©dito o dà ©bito que sirve como prueba de que una persona es residente permanente legal. En otras palabras, que ese extranjero puede vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos. Los residentes gozan de importantes derechos, pero su estatus no es igual al de ciudadano, ya que entre unos y otros hay importantes diferencias. Siendo el mà ¡s importante que salvo rarà simas excepciones la nacionalidad no se pierde mientras que la pà ©rdida de la residencia es un evento mà ¡s comà ºn. Pero,  ¿es verde la green card? En la actualidad el à ºltimo modelo de green card sà es verde. Ademà ¡s, entre 1946 y 1964 tambià ©n lo fue. Y el nombre se conservà ³ durante dà ©cadas, a pesar de haberse ya modificado el modelo de la tarjeta en numerosas ocasiones y de emitirse en colores distintos al verde. Quà © informacià ³n contiene la Green card Entre la informacià ³n fundamental que ofrece la tarjeta de residencia destacan el nombre de su titular, identificacià ³n de su sexo y fecha de nacimiento. Tambià ©n contiene informacià ³n sobre la categorà a por la que se adquirià ³ la green card y la fecha de expiracià ³n, debià ©ndose renovar antes de que alcance esa fecha. Ademà ¡s, contiene el Alien Registration Number, un dà gito fundamental para los residentes permanentes legales. Cuà ¡les son sus medidas de seguridad Hasta hace apenas 15 aà ±os era relativamente frecuente poder adquirir en la calle tarjetas de residencia falsas pero que se asemejaban bastante a las verdaderas. Desde entonces las cosas han cambiado y las green card emitidas en los à ºltimos aà ±os ya contienen importantes medidas de seguridad que dificultan su falsificacià ³n. El modelo actual, que comenzà ³ a entregarse a partir del 11 de mayo de 2010 es una tarjeta con importantes medidas de seguridad para evitar tanto la falsificacià ³n como la manipulacià ³n de las mismas. Entre las medidas destacan: Tinta en color cambiante en tonos que van desde el verde al oro. Este efecto puede verse, por ejemplo, en la imagen de la cabeza del à ¡guila cuando se mueve la tarjeta.Foto hologrà ¡fica del titular, tanto en el anverso como en el reverso de la tarjeta.Huellas gravadas mediante tecnologà a là ¡ser que permiten la identificacià ³n rà ¡pida y exacta de la persona cuando se entra por la frontera a Estados Unidos. Es decir, con esta tarjeta se evita que un emigrante utilice la tarjeta de otro para ganar entrada al paà s.Personalizacià ³n tà ¡ctil tambià ©n realizada mediante là ¡ser.Tecnologà a de identificacià ³n por radio frecuencia que permite a los inspectores de Inmigracià ³n leer desde cierta distancia, sin tener la tarjeta en sus manos, un nà ºmero que està ¡ gravado en la tarjeta y conectarlo con toda la informacià ³n digital disponible sobre el titular de dicha tarjeta.Y almacenaje de todos los archivos digitales sobre el titular, incluyendo sus datos biomà ©tricos. Otra informacià ³n interesante que contienen las tarjetas de residencia En la parte posterior de la tarjeta pueden verse microfotos de altà sima resolucià ³n de las banderas de los estados y de Presidentes de los Estados Unidos.  ¿Debo solicitar el nuevo modelo de Green card? Las tarjetas de residencia con menos de diez aà ±os son perfectamente và ¡lidas aunque sean de un modelo anterior al actual y, por lo tanto, no hay obligacià ³n de reemplazarlas hasta que llegue su fecha de expiracià ³n. La green card y Real I.D. A partir de octubre de 2020 ya no serà ¡ posible subirse a un vuelo domà ©stico dentro de EE.UU. utilizando como identificacià ³n una licencia de manejar o de identificacià ³n ordinaria. Si no se tiene una licencia Real I.D. serà ¡ posible utilizar la tarjeta de residencia green card como documentacià ³n para embarcar. Obligacià ³n de cargar la green card y otros deberes Existe una obligacià ³n legal que aplica a todos los residentes permanentes legales mayores de 18 aà ±os: deben llevar consigo en todo momento su green card. El gobierno federal puede imponer multas de hasta $100 y/o pena de cà ¡rcel por un mà ¡ximo de 30 dà as a las personas que no cumplan con esta obligacià ³n. Esto tambià ©n afecta a la tarjeta de residencia que està ¡ sellada en el pasaporte de su titular y que es totalmente và ¡lida y sirve tambià ©n para viajar internacionalmente. Asimismo, los residentes permanentes deben notificar al USCIS sus cambios de domicilio en los diez dà as siguientes a que se produzca la mudanza. Finalmente, se recomienda tomar este test para verificar conocimientos bà ¡sicos sobre cà ³mo obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diversity in the Workplace a Literature Review Essay
Diversity in the Workplace In todays society, cultural diversity is at the highest point it has ever been. As companies are becoming more diverse, it is becoming more important for them to understand and manage that diversity. People of different backgrounds, races, ages, sex, and/or religions create a diverse workforce. There is an importance of having a diverse workforce in order to provide better performance overall. With a diverse workforce, there arises a need for new management strategies, which require organization leaders and managers to know the differences among their employees and to know how to handle situations involving these differences. As Dr. Sondra Thiederman, a leading expert in workplace diversity, stated, ``whether†¦show more content†¦The work force at Thorngate follows this trend since women are roughly three-quarters of the employees and that women minorities are roughly one-third of the workers. Businesses like Thorngate, whom employ mass amounts of people, should realize that a diverse workforce is needed in order to continue longevity, growth, and increased profits. Companies should see this shift in worker population and change their organizations to meet the challenge presented. Above all other policies is that discrimination is wrong, both legally and morally. In addition to this is the fact that a more diverse workforce will increase organizational effectiveness. It will lift morale, bring greater access to new segments of the marketplace, and enhance productivity. In short diversity can be good for business (Cox and Blake, 1992). Research out of Canada states that the Canadian companies leading the way in the area of diversity management have discovered that by embracing the elements of ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce they have enhanced their ability to understand and tap new markets, both within Canada and abroad (Thomas and Ely, 1998). Many American based companies could do the same with effective use of diverse human resources The management in these companies will have to change their strategies and follow different guidelines in order to facilitate diversity. In the companies, management will have to focus on getting the best talent out of theShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits And Challenges Of Diversity869 Words  | 4 Pages Writing Literature Reviews Research Plan Marcus Radford Brandman University OLCU 501: Organizational Research May 21, 2017 â€Æ' Research Plan This research plan includes (a) a statement of the research purpose for the literature review, (b) three specific research questions, (c) an outline that includes a statement of the need for the research and how the research questions will be answered, and (d) a preliminary list of references that will be used to write the literature review. Research PurposeRead MoreDiversity Within The Workplace And How Communication Is The Driving Force Behind It Essay1463 Words  | 6 PagesDiversity in the workplace and how communication is the driving force behind it. Workplace diversity can be described as â€Å"all the differences in age, gender, sexual orientation, education, cultural background, religion, and life experience†(Okora Washington, 2012, as cited in Mulkeen, 2008). Another functional definition of diversity is being cultural, racial, or sex-based. An organization’s definition and viewpoint concerning diversity guides the strength of its employees to connect and communicateRead MoreLiterature, Business and Social Change1578 Words  | 7 PagesLiterature, Business and Social Change Kareem Jones Reginald T. Bowman Ken Mathias Jerome Mond Business Literature ENG/120 Dr. Andrew Mathis Business literature of the past is similar to modern day business literature; however, in some ways both have differences. 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The company has been around for decades, providing the world with â€Å"electronic products amp;Read MoreDiversity And Diversity Of Diversity1657 Words  | 7 PagesThus, diversity studies would then be reduced to the conclusion that ‘everyone is different’ and, if this conclusion is accepted, the concept of diversity may become â€Å"nothing more than a benign, meaningless concept†(Nkomo, 1995). The danger in narrowly defining diversity, however, is that only one dimension of cultural diversity (race, age, ethnicity, or gender) is by and large the subject of research at a time. Since a cultural diversity dimension interacts with other dimensions of diversity narrowRead MoreRunning Head: Brief Literature Review Draft . Brief Literature1636 Words  | 7 Pageshead: Brief Literature Review Draft Brief Literature Review Draft Introduction This is a draft paper of the literature review from week one to today. This is ensuring the literature reviews, research sources, and including personal throughs and opinions reflect a comprehensive literature research. It’s also includes the major themes identified in week three mapping. The draft paper helps identifying and considering the theoretical or conceptual frameworks present throughout the literatures. In additionRead MoreAnalyzing Diversity Within The Workplace1061 Words  | 5 Pagesas a â€Å"melting pot†because of the diversity of its people. People from hundreds of countries with different cultures, languages, religious beliefs, and different ethnicities have come to the United States seeking a better opportunities and a better way of life. Melting pot is defined as â€Å"a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole†(Merriam-Webster, n.d.). For the purpose of analyzing diversity in the workpla ce, it is necessary to also define â€Å"cohesionRead MoreWorkplace Diversity : The Visible Or Invisible Differences Among Employees Of An Organization1653 Words  | 7 PagesWorkforce Diversity defines the visible or invisible differences among employees of an organization and could be divided in to three major components such as Primary, Secondary and Organizational and Community. Factors such as Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity represents Primary while Appearance, Educational Background, Marital Status, Work experience represents Secondary and Job position, Specialization, Nationality, Life stage represents Organizational and Community. In recent years, organizationsRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management : A Deeper Understanding Of The Dominant And Minority Cultures Essay839 Words  | 4 PagesRomero, F., Gonzalo Sà ¡nchez, G. (2013). Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models. Cross Cultural Management, 20(1), 39-49. doi: RQ How effective is workforce diversity without a deeper understanding of the dominant and minority cultures in human resource management? The article expounded on how strategic human resource management can get the most out of workforce diversity via the universalistic, contingent and configurationalRead MoreOrganizational Diversity At The Workplace1355 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational Diversity in the Workplace I. Introduction: Today, more and more organizations are moving towards the analysis of how to implement diversity as a core value. For an organization to hold people accountable for diversity expectations, leaders must implement, have a clear understanding, and practice diversity policies and procedures (Williams, 2013). By outlining a foundation together with a lateral approach leaders can encourage diversity understanding (Williams, 2013). Knowledgeable
Business Ethic Free Essays
MGT3201 / 3231: ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND GRADING STRUCTURE Individual Case Study (20%) This assessment criteria and grading structure is used as the: 1. general guidelines for marking written coursework, and 2. feedback to the students for future improvement. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Ethic or any similar topic only for you Order Now |Content |Analysis |Evidence of Reflection |Achievement of Learning | | | | | |Outcomes | |20 |Excellent quality of |Extremely through analysis|Describes and evaluates all |Full synthesis of the | | |content; very wide range |of material given; high |events from multiple |module through the | | |of options considered, |level of self-awareness |perspectives; transfers |achievement learning | | |imaginative and creative |and aspirations; |concepts beyond that |outcomes and full | |17 |approach. Excellent range |convincing and lucid |particular setting; |understanding of the | | |of appropriate resources |justification of choices |recognizing and justifying |process. | | |used. |made. |the impact of a specific | | | | | |situation on learning. | | |16. |Very good quality content,|Very through analysis; |Describes ad evaluates some |Some evaluation of the | | |wide range of options |very good level of |events from different |Learning Outcomes. | | |considered, through |self-awareness an d |perspectives; transfers some | | | |approach. Very good use of|aspirations; through |concepts; can recognize | | |14 |resources available. |justification of choices |impact of specific situations| | | | |made. |on learning. | | |13. 9 |Good quality content, |Good analysis; good level |Describes and evaluates |Evidence of application of| | reasonable range of |of self-awareness; some |events but stays in one |the learning outcomes. | | |options considered. Good |justification of choices |domain. | | | |use of resources. |made. | | | |10 | | | | | |9. 9 |Satisfactory content with |Some analysis; some levels|Uses practical and simplistic|Evidence of understanding | | |few options considered. |of self-awareness, little |statements to describe |the Learning Outcomes. | | |May be less through |justification. Limited |events; some sense of cause | | | |approach. Some evidence of|explanation of choices |and effect; some sense of | | |6 |use of resources. |made. |transfer. | | |5. 9 |Meager quality of content,|Adequate analysis; little |Descries personal experience |Acknowledgement of the | | |only one or two options |level of self-awareness; |only; little sense of cause |Learning Outcomes. | | |considered. Very basic, |limited justification; |and effect; little sense of | | | |limited approach. Poor use|poor explanation of |transfer. | | |3 |of resources. |choices made. | | | |2. 9 |Very poor quality of |No evidence of analysis. |Describes personal experience|Few Learning Outcomes | | |content, no detail. No | |in a simplistic manner only. |achieved. | | |evidence’s of use of | | | | |0 |resources. | | | | ? 1500 word Report (excluding appendices) Content, relevancy to the topic title, authenticity of material provided and etc. ? Literature Review (Resources) ? Emphasis on Referencing (Harvard Referencing System) ? The Assignment should be of an analysis, evaluative, argumentative, synthesis of moral justifications, reasoning , concise lucid and excellent range of appropriate resources used rather than purely descriptive and should include a number of appendices, containing Supporting evidence for findings, analysis, conclusions and Recommendations Assessment Class:MGT3201 / MGT3231 Business Ethics Case Study: Group Members:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1) Define the Issue ____ ______________________________________________________________ ) Analysis / Arguments __________________________________________________________________ 3) Evidence of reflection / Justification __________________________________________________________________ 4) Moral Reasoning / Achievement of Learning Outcome __________________________________________________________________ 5) Resources __________________________________________________________________ Total Score:_____ / 100 marks Final Percentage:_____ / 20% Guidelines for the Individual Report (20%) In order to facilitate processing of the Academic standard of report, please follow the general guidelines for the format and preparation of the individual report. Must have the following formatting: | |Spacing – double line paragraphs | |Font – Tahoma 10 or 11 point or Times New Roman 12 point | |Bolds – emphasis of paragraph titles or headings | |Margins set at 1†(top, bottom, left and right sides) | |Justification – left | |Page numbering: beginning on first page of report (not cover page) | |Headers or footers: name of student ID, programme of study, academic session | |Spelling and grammar checked | |Programs – Microsoft Word or Excel if you have tables is preferred. | How to cite Business Ethic, Papers
Literary Utopian Societies Essay Example For Students
Literary Utopian Societies Essay Literary Utopian Societies The vision of one century is often the reality of the next (Nelson 108). Throughout time, great minds have constructed their own visions of utopia. Through the study of utopias, one finds that these perfect societies have many flaws. For example, most utopias tend to have an authoritarian nature (Manuel 3). Also, another obvious imperfection found in the majority of utopias is that of a faulty social class system (Thomas 94). But one must realized that the flaws found in utopian societies serve a specific purpose. These faults are used to indicate problems in contemporary society (Eurich 5, Targowski 1). Over the years, utopian societies have been beneficial in setting improved standards for society. By pointing out the faults of society, improvement is the most likely next step. Citizens should take advantage of utopian literature in order to better future societal conditions (Nelson 104). Because it is impossible to create a perfect society in which every ones needs can be met, society must analyze utopias in order to improve their existing environment. Platos Republic was the first true work considered to be utopian literature. In fact, the Republic influenced almost all later text written on the subject of utopia (Manuel 7). Although the Republic was one of the most influential works in utopian literature, the society that it represented also had many obvious flaws. First, Platos utopia had a distinct class system (Morely iii, Bloom xiii). The privileged class that ruled the society also enforced censorship in order to keep control over the Republic (Manuel 5). To perform all of the lowly tasks of the society, a system of slavery was enforced (Manuel 9). In addition, different forms of propaganda were used to keep the citizens in check (Manuel 5, Bloom xiv). The political and economic systems, in which the wealthy class controlled all the funds, were extremely restrictive (Mumford 4, Bloom xiii). With the society being in opposition to change, it would have obviously failed. A static society, in which propaganda is used to promote the State, disrupts the creative thinking process. And, without the creative thinking process, intellectual growth as a whole also slows (Mumford 4, Benz 3). Yet another famous Utopian society that appears to thrive on the surface is that of Sir Thomas Mores Utopia. Mores society was similar to Platos Republic in many ways (Will 1). The State, in Mores Utopia, controlled the masses through the use of propaganda just as in Platos Republic (Adams 154). Speaking out against the State was made an unthinkable action (Adams 253). The government of Mores Utopia was so centralized, that it was unable to adapt to changes and face problems (Mumford 4). This Utopia turned out to have a number of underlying problems. Aldous Huxleys a Brave New World was another utopia with many imperfections.In the novel, the characters living in utopia were under complete control of the government. They were exposed to propaganda beginning at birth and continued to be exposed to it throughout their lives. The course a personslife would take was already determined before he was born.Basically, the citizens of this utopia were robots. They did as they were told, and they had no accurate knowledge of what was going on around them (26). Only the elite class of Controllers had an unobstructed view of the world (235). Another theme that was put forth throughout the novel was that of the class system. In Huxleys utopia, the quality of ones genes determined his social class. No person had a chance of leaving his caste, and his conditioning had programmed his mind into believing that this was all acceptable (66).When looking at utopian literature as a whole, one realizes that utopias are merely a way that man uses to imp rove himself and the environment in which he lives (Eurich 7). The purpose of texts written about utopian societies is to inform the public of current social problems and to inform them how to fix these problems (Targowski 1). Almost every utopia is an implicit criticism of the civilization that served as its background. (Mumford 2). And with this criticism, positive change arises and sets us in another direction Civic Engagement EssayThroughout time, utopias have been models of contemporary society. By examining various utopias, one finds that certain faults have been purposely inserted (Thomas 96). This is because the authors of these works intended their texts to be used as objections against troubles in modern society (Coupland 3). After publication of this utopian literature, change often arose, and the problems, which had been discussed in the text, had been resolved (Nelson 100). As a result of writing about the injustices of the time, society has set improved standards for i tself (Adams 178, Fitting 5). With more utopian experiments in the works, one can only hope that society will once again answer the call to improve, and progress into the next century. Works CitedAdams, Robert M., ed. Utopia. New York: W. W. Norton Company Inc., 1975. Benz, Phillip, ed. Utopia3. 6 Jan. 1999 . Bloom, Allan. The Republic of Plato. New York: Basic Books Inc., 1968. Coupland, Philip, ed. University of Warwick. 11 Jan. 1999 . Eurich, Nell. Science in Utopia A Mighty Design. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1967. Fitting, Peter. The Society for Utopian Studies. 16 Jan. 1999 . Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Brothers, 1932. Kateb, George, ed. Utopia. New York: Atherton Press, 1971. Manuel, Frank E., ed. Utopias and Utopian Thought. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1966. Morley, Henry, ed. Ideal Commonwealths. New York: Kennikat Press, 1968. Mumford, Lewis. The Story of Utopias. New York: The Viking Press, 1962. Nelson, William, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Utopia. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Taragowski, Henry W. Utopia. 6 Jan. 1999 . Thomas, John L., ed. Looking Backward 2000-1887. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1967. Utopia and Utopian Philosophy. Ed. Jon Will. 1999. Utopia Pathway Association. 6 Jan. 1999 . Validation of Electronic SourcesPhillip Benz received a Masters Degree in English Literature and currently teaches in France. Philip Coupland is a professor at Warwick University. Jon Will is the Vice President of the Utopia Pathway Association. Henry Taragowski is a professor at Xavier University. Peter Fitting is the Chairman of the Society for Utopian Studies.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Looking For A Reason Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Looking For A Reason Essay, Research Paper Looking for a Reason Is where you are in your working calling where you want to be for the remainder of your life? The reply to that inquiry is simple for Sammy in the narrative # 8220 ; A A ; P # 8221 ; by John Updike. Sammy, like many others in this universe, is a immature adult male seeking to do some money in a little town. But unlike some, he refuses to be stuck in the same occupation for many old ages or perchance the remainder of his life. One twenty-four hours while working the registry at a local food market shop, Sammy notices three misss walk in. The misss are have oning their bathing suits because the beach is near to the shop. When the misss reach the registry the director notices the misss garb. He walks over to them and argues with them for a minute and so misss leave. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking For A Reason Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sammy didn # 8217 ; T understand why the director had such a job with what the misss were have oning. Suddenly Sammy decides to discontinue. He takes off his apron and walks out the door. One of the things that caught my attending the most was Updike # 8217 ; s usage of imagination in depicting Sammy # 8217 ; s working environment. # 8220 ; The sheep forcing their carts down the aisle- # 8221 ; ( 34 ) , I thought, was an first-class representation of clients grocery shopping. I could about see them forcing their carts around the shop shopping for things. It seems to me that the clients are like sheep because they don # 8217 ; t truly care about what is traveling on around them. They merely want to acquire their things and travel on about their concern. Another good illustration is when Sammy is looking at the misss while they are standing in his aisle. He refers to one of the miss # 8217 ; s thorax as # 8220 ; two scoops of vanilla # 8221 ; ( 36 ) . I think this is an of import point because he doesn # 8217 ; t mention to an older / gt ; adult female, who was standing in line before the misss, in such a mode. This shows a male point of position that helps the reader understand how Sammy feels and what is traveling through his head during the narrative. I think the misss helped give Sammy a ground to discontinue the food market shop. On one manus, Sammy quit for the misss. He saw how they were treated by the director and idea he would be the hero by discontinuing to acquire back at him. And even though he knew the misss wouldn # 8217 ; t be waiting on him out side the shop, he quit none the less. Because on the other manus, he didn # 8217 ; t want to stop up like the director when he got older. I was looking for a ground to discontinue a occupation one time. I didn # 8217 ; t quit because I thought I was traveling to be working at that place for the remainder of my life, but because I didn # 8217 ; t like working at that place any longer. I decided to non travel in one twenty-four hours and when the director called I said I had a scientific discipline undertaking to make. When she asked if I was traveling to come in of all time once more I said no. That was a long clip ago and I would neer discontinue a occupation in that manner once more. I was immature so and I fundamentally was merely tired of working at that place. Sammy # 8217 ; s hereafter is unknown. The inquiry of conditions he quit because he thought he would be the misss knight in reflecting armour, or the fright that he would be stuck in a dead-end occupation the remainder of his life is left up to the reader. Maybe both of the replies are both true. I think even though he thought in the dorsum of his head that the misss would be outside waiting for him, he knew in his bosom that they wouldn # 8217 ; t be at that place. I don # 8217 ; t believe Sammy # 8217 ; s hereafter is in the food market shop concern though. One thing is certain though, Sammy # 8217 ; s hereafter is up to him. Bibliography A A ; P by John Updike ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
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