Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Heat And Mechanical Work In Engine. . . Victor.F. Mavika.
Heat and Mechanical work in Engine Victor.F. Mavika Dr. Elena Gregg Thermodynamics EGR 231 Introduction The first law of thermodynamics is a state for principle of conservation of energy. In most cases, any process that does not obey it never happens. However, there different processes that do not violet it but never occur in nature. First law of thermodynamics fails to answer some important questions. i. It is known that first law cannot indicate direction of heat transfer. Heat flows from hot body to a cold body and never the reverse. If the reverse process occurs energy would still be conserved, yet first law does not explain this phenomenon. ii. First law does not tell why heat energy cannot be converted†¦show more content†¦A simple engine consists of a cylinder containing gas which is fitted with frictionless movable piston. Since heat engine operates in cycle (Returns to original state after series of processes) there is always work done which also implies continuous conversion of heat into work. To understand the way heat engine works one need to understand the whole idea of Carnot cycle. Carnot Cycle. The cycle was first discussed by French scientist in 1824. His work explains that work could only be done when heat flowed from higher temperature to a lower one. He proposed ideal engine that operates cyclically and reversibly. This is the practical arrangement to convert heat into mechanical work. Sade Carnot designed this ideal engine free from imperfectness of the actual heat engines. Carnot engine consists of the cylinder, sink, working substance and insulating pad. Cylinder is the main part of the Carnot engine with insulating walls and the conducting base; it is fitted with frictionless piston which increases the efficiency of the engine. Source is the hot body maintained at a very high temperature with infinite thermal capacity meaning any amount of heat can be taken out without changing temperature of the source. Sink is the opposite of the source. It is he body at a very low temperature which also has infinite thermal capacity. Working substance in the cylinder is normally ideal gas that absorbs heat from the source, as heat is absorbed
Monday, December 16, 2019
Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock Free Essays
Hitchcock and Dualism in Psycho The characters in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) each have a dual nature that is masterfully portrayed through character development and use of mirrors throughout the film. The very first shot in Psycho is zooming in from an open view of the city where it is a bright and sunny day. As the shot zooms in further and further it comes into a dark and shaded room that shows Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) and Sam Loomis (John Gavin) having an affair in a undisclosed hotel. We will write a custom essay sample on Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is dualistic image is just one example of many that Hitchcock has placed in this film. Marion Crane is the first main character that is focused upon for the first half of Psycho. â€Å"All that Marion Wants, after all, are the humble treasures of love, marriage, home, and family. †(Brill 227) [up and down] This is the reason why Marion steals the money in the first place. The money is her first real chance at escaping the life of meeting at cheap hotels in secret. The opening scene shows the lack of money and personal isolation that Marion has while making love in secrecy in a hotel that â€Å"aren’t interested in you when you come in, but when your time is up. Marion is desperate for any type of companionship with Sam even claiming she would happily live in the spare room at his work. The progress of Marion in Psycho is followed very closely by her appearance and her apparel. â€Å"†¦the bag is a transgressive agent associated with stealing, escape, and independence. †(Gottlieb, Brookhouse 151) [Sarah Street 151] Before any crime was ever committed, Marion wore a white bag that matched her underwear and her clothing. After the money was taken, she made a choice to place the envelope of money in her black bag, rather than her suitcase which would completely hide the money. Along with the change in bags, Marion also changes her underwear to black, and her outer clothes to dark colors as well. Marion’s death is very symbolic and dualistic in a multitude of ways. â€Å"The fact that Marion is nonetheless murdered after her self-realization suggests that neither she nor the society that produced her is recuperable†(Gottlieb, Brookhouse 362) [Christopher Sharrett 362] Once Marion had made that fatal mistake to become a criminal, she was destined to die as a criminal, with no chance of salvation. This is very dualistic of the ending of the frontier, which was right around the time Psycho was produced. the movement of the film is steadily downward and inward, away from the feeling of daylight, abundance, and expanse to a nightmarish claustrophobia that exteriorizes the unconscious mind. †(Gottlieb, Brookhouse 362) [Christopher Sharrett 362] The image of the West being a gigantic open expanse was coming to an end and Hitchcock showed that the frontier was finished and there was no chance of it coming back. Hitchcock places a large amount of dualism between the characters of Marion, Sam, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), and Lila Crane (Vera Miles). The first couple, Sam and Marion, engenders the second, Norman and Marion: Norman has thus taken the place of Sam. Yet he has actually, diegetically speaking, taken the place of Marion, given the mirror dialectic between the sexes and their psychic structurations. †(Deutalbaum, Poague 357) [Bellour 357] The couple of Marion and Sam never got a chance to be married, but as the film goes through the second half, it is Sam and Lila that are â€Å"married†as they go to the motel. Lila doubles as her lost sister as the heroine of the film, following nearly the same actions as Marion. The look on Lila’s face as she finds the mummy is identical to that of Marion’s in the shower Hitchcock uses mirrors quite a bit in Psycho to really help express dualism in this film. â€Å"†¦ depthless images in mirrors that are used systematically throughout Psycho to prefigure the shattering of its characters’ personal coherence. †(Brill 227) [up and down] Brill states how Hitchcock uses mirrors to match up the different characters and to show that there is a lot more depth than what the viewer my first think. Through use of mirrors, Hitchcock brings a much deeper meaning to certain scenes with different characters than would otherwise be without mirrors. One of the most crucial uses of mirrors in Psycho is when Marion is at the car dealership. â€Å"When she takes the damning step of spending some of the money, she is radically bisected by a down word looking shot and a mirror in the washroom where she takes the cash from her purse. †(Brill 227) The image in this scene is extremely important to the dual nature of Marion. At this point, she passes the point of no return and is cut in half by the mirror. The half image of Marion shows that she has split herself in two, good and evil, and the evil side is the one that has taken over. The second half of Psycho, in which Marion is dead, shows the dualism between Marion and the other characters. When Detective Milton Arbogast (Martin Balsam) first interrogates Norman, his back is to the mirror in the parlor, almost identical to that of Marion when she first entered the motel. Sam appears more than once in the same mirrors while uestioning Norman. When Lila is searching the house for Ms. Bates she comes upon the double mirrors in her bedroom. â€Å"This moment constitutes Hitchcock’s most explicit suggestion that his characters are experiencing-and we are watching- not something weirdly outside ordinary experience, but the expression of a potential for personal distortion and violence that is the other side, the mirror image, of human normality†(Brill 227) This moment is key for Hitchcock because he shows the viewers that something like this could actually happen. There are people in the world that are not mentally stable and that do the type of things that Norman Bates does. Hitchcock also shows a large amount of dualism between the characters in Psycho and birds. â€Å"†¦a complex analogy between bird and human that exists in Psycho and is announced in the opening sequence of the film. Over the bird’s-eye view of a city [†¦] evoke the point of view of a bird who glides down, alights on the window ledge, and slips into the room. (Gottlieb, Brookhouse 295) [Richard Allen] Another sense of duality is present in the last names of Marion Crane and Sam Loomis, both different types of birds and both can be seen as a pair of love-birds. The duality in with birds in Psycho becomes extremely apparent with Norman Bates. When Norman is talking to Marion, he tells her: â€Å"My hobby is stuffing things. You know, taxidermy. I guess I’d just rather stuff birds because I hate the look of beasts when they’re stuffed. You kno w, foxes and chimps. Some people even stuff dogs and cats but, oh, I can’t do that. I think only birds look well stuffed, well, because they’re kind of passive to begin with. Norman’s claim that birds are passive to begin with, is a reference to the habits of birds and is implied to being a habit of women as well. His obsession with stuffing birds culminated in the creation of his prized â€Å"stuffed bird†, the mummy of his mother. â€Å"This ‘stuffed bird’ was created by the act of ‘stuffing a bird’ in the sense that combines both a sexual act- the implied incest between Norman and his mother- and the act of killing. The monstrous figure of Norman’s mummy is condemned endlessly to repeat this act. †(Gottlieb, Brookhouse 296) [Richard Allen] Marion is the first victim of this sexual and murderous bird that swoops down from the house and attacks her. The knife can be seen as a form of â€Å"pecking†that is used to kill her. After being â€Å"pecked†Marion Crane eventually ends up slumped over, very dualistic to that of a bird with a broken neck staring blankly upward. The stare of death that remains on Marion’s face is a mirror image of the birds that hang in the parlor of the motel, permanently stuck staring out from death. The angles of the shots when Marion and Arbogast are being murdered are from a very high up view to symbolize even further to create a duality between Norman’s mother and a bird. â€Å"Hitchcock’s camera, initially indentified with the love-bird, now comes to occupy the gaze of the death-bird in a series of high-angled shots that accompany the murder of Marion [†¦] swoops down to murder Arbogast on the landing of the gothic staircase. †(Gottlieb, Brookhouse 296) [Richard Allen] Both murders relate to a frenzied bird swooping down from high above and attacking its prey with its vicious beak. How to cite Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Breaking Through The Foul And Ugly Mists Chiasmus In I Henry Iv Essay Example For Students
Breaking Through The Foul And Ugly Mists: Chiasmus In I Henry Iv Essay Breaking through the foul and ugly mists:Chiasmus in I Henry IVIn Shakespeares historic play King Henry the Fourth, Part One, the ingenious playwright uses an interesting and powerful method of presenting the honorable by introducing that character at the rock bottom of his potential and, as Hal puts it, breaking through the foul and ugly mists/ Of vapors that did seem to strangle him (I.ii, 155-6). Chiasmus, in Shakespeares plays, is the inversion of two characters reputation and personality traits. In I Henry IV this technique can be seen in the shifting of the readers perception of Harry Percy, more vividly known as Hotspur, and Hal, the Prince of Wales. Hotspur and Hal start out on two utterly opposite ends of the spectrum of honor and nobility. As the play progresses, we can witness Hals transcendence, turning point, and rise to the peak of his potential. We also are shown Hotspurs gradual dive to shame (and ultimately death) as he loses his temperance and patience, and is consu med by confidence and greed. The literary effect of chiasmus terminates with, once again, the characters on opposite ends of the spectrum, but somewhere along the shift, they cross paths and the original hierarchy is inverted. At the beginning of the play, Prince Hal starts out on the lower half of the hierarchy. He spends the majority of his time in the tavern, drinking away the money that he earns by robbing travelers during the night. He is introduced to the readers as immature, irresponsible, and ignorant to his destiny and potential. But Shakespeare doesnt let his readers see Hal this way for long: in I.ii, Hals intention of transcendence to princedom is evident in his revealing soliloquy:Yet herein will I imitate the sun,Who doth permit the base contagious cloudsTo smother up his beauty from the world,That when he please again to be himself,Being wanted he may be more wondered atBy breaking through the foul and ugly mistsOf vapors that did seem to strangle him. (150-6)Though Hal seems ignorant of his destiny and importance in the court, Shakespeare allows us to see that he intends to rise to his full potential. From this point on, Hal begins ridiculing his friends, and realizes that they are contagio us clouds who smother up his beauty. Harry Percy, a.k.a. Hotspur (Shakespeare never ceases to amuse me with his witty nicknames and this one is certainly derived from the Prince of Darkness himself), is introduced to us as the courtier of Golden Mean. He is nearly everything a prince should be: he valiantly captures the prisoners King Henry desires (even though he will not give them over to the king), he is courageous, quick with words, and has a goal of honor. In I.iii, 201-8, he expresses how much importance he places on honor and how simple he thinks it is to obtain it:By heavens, methinks it were an easy leapTo pluck bright honor from the pale-faced moon,Or dive into the bottom of the deep,Where fathom line could never touch the ground,And pluck up drowned honor by the locks,So he that doth redeem her thence might wearWithout corrival all her dignities;But out upon this half-faced fellowship!But even within this speech one of his faults is uncovered. Towards the end of this tang ent he is shaming the practice of sharing glory and honor with others. This reflects his egotistical intentions and his preoccupation with the obtaining the title of honor. In this scene we also learn of Hotspurs other downfalls: his exponential anger, his lack of temperance, stubbornness, and ignorance. He doesnt know his own history, he disregards letters warning him, and he is totally consumed with the idea of victory and honor; he even battles in his sleep. .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 , .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .postImageUrl , .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 , .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:hover , .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:visited , .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:active { border:0!important; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:active , .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63 .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubf13ae39ed0bb3ac537063ae59ae4b63:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lessons of Life EssayScene II, act iv reflects Hals midway point. He has not yet risen to his full potential, but we know he intends to show his father that he is worthy of his title of the Prince of Wales. Hal and Falstaff put on a little play-within-a-play, in which Hal plays the part of his father, King Henry, and Falstaff acts as Prince Hal. King Henry (Hal) reprimands Prince Hal (Falstaff) for passing time in the tavern with Falstaff, that old white-bearded Satan (368-9). Prince Hal (Falstaff) pleads with the King not to banish Falstaff and Hals reply shows that he has the makings of nobility, whereas before they were absent. Falstaff: banish not thy Harrys company banish plump Jack, and banish all the world. Prince: I do, I will. (381-3)This passage is extremely compelling because it is so ambiguous. The line of Prince Hal (acting as King) is full of meaning, yet the meaning can be interpreted in a couple different ways, simply because of the roles that Falstaff and Hal are playing. We sense that Prince Hal means what he says in terms of his own banishment of Falstaff and the entire tavern realm because we already know of his intentions, but there is uncertainty due to the vagueness of his reply, and also the fact that he is not playing himself, he is acting as the king. Hal moves up another rung on the ladder to nobility when, in III.i, he persuades his father to trust him that he has changed. He states that he will kill Hotspur, much to King Henrys great pleasure, and he stuns his father with his economic, mercantilistic language, which Henry doesnt fully understand. This in the name of God I promise here,The which if He be pleased I shall perform,I do beseech Your Majesty may salveThe long-grown wounds of my intemperance. If not, the end of life cancels all bonds,And I will die a hundred thousand deathsEre break the smallest parcel of this vow. (153-9)After this statement of his intention and promise, it is clearly shown that the hierarchy in which Hal and Hotspur are arranged has flipped, and Prince Hal is the more honorable of the two. Throughout the play, we are shown increasingly more of Hotspurs negative traits, until it comes to the point that Shakespeares readers see him as more selfish and greedy than valiant and brave. In III.i, we are shown a Hotspur that behaves very selfishly when Mortimer deals out the land that Mortimer, Glendower, and Hotspur are to cover in their rebellion. And we also begin to see that all he can do is fight: in response to Glendowers claim of great academic and poetic accomplishments, Hotspur states that he would rather hear a dry wheel grate on the axletree (128) than mincing poetry. ?Tis like the forced gait of a shuffling nag (130-1). Hotspurs selfishness is displayed in its near entirety at the end of act V, scene iii, in his pre-battle speech, if we can give it so great a name. Previous to this speech, he has been very impatient and overconfident, anxious to get the battle rolling. This short statement before the battle sums up how low Hotspur has sunken on the hierarchy. Let each man do his best. And here draw IA sword, whose temper I intend to stainWith the best blood that I can meet withalIn the adventure of this perilous day. Now, Esperance! Percy! And set on. (92-6)He is fully engulfed in the thoughts of battle, but from what weve seen, he usually is. We have learned that the Harry Percy we met at the very beginning of the play is in no way who he proves to be. The real Harry Percy is selfish, overconfident, greedy, and seriously lacks control of his temper. We, as readers know that this hot-blooded character is going to be killed by Prince Hal himself. Now whos the valiant and courageous one? By the end of the play, the way Shakespeares readers see Prince Hal and Harry Percy have been completely switched. Hal, the former tavern dweller and robber has turned into the noble Prince of Wales, and deserves the title. He even respects the honor in his opponents (V.v, 30-31). Hal, Prince of Wales has earned the trust of his father by fulfilling his promise. In response and gratitude to Hals materialized promise, King Henry refers to his power as our power (V.v, 34). And where is the courtier of the Golden Mean ? Dead. And it certainly was not a noble death. Theres no better way to shame a person than to totally uproot their confidence. By the end of the play, Hotspur is not honorable, even in his own terms. Shakespeares use of chiasmus in I Henry IV lends a very interesting twist to the plot. And whats even more compelling is that within the play itself, Hal is using chiasmus as well when he intends to rise from his drunken, thieving status to the justified Prince of Wales. Shakespeares use of chiasmus works marvelously in persuading the reader to view Hal as honorable in the end. This should remind us all that we can always move up from where we currently are, and become all the more virtuous by doing so. .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 , .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .postImageUrl , .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 , .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:hover , .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:visited , .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:active { border:0!important; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:active , .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084 .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf0ee551cafa5c787a766f10332a81084:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mother Teresa Essay PaperShakespeare Essays
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Scarlet Letter- An Analysis Of Symbolism free essay sample
Essay, Research Paper March 18,1994 The Scarlet Letter: An Analysis of Symbolism The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is by and large considered to be the first American symbolic novel. A symbol is something which is used to stand for something broader in significance. The most obvious symbol in the novel is the existent vermilion # 8220 ; A # 8221 ; which both the unfavorable judgment and I agree upon. This # 8220 ; A # 8221 ; is the actual symbol of the wickedness of criminal conversation. The missive A so appears in many different signifiers throughout the novel. The gold-embroidered A on Hester Prynne # 8217 ; s fascinates Pearl Prynne. It is magnified in the armour chest home base at Governor Bellingham # 8217 ; s sign of the zodiac which is so utmost that it seems to conceal and cover Hester. On the dark of Arthur Dimmesdale vigil, he sees a ruddy Angstrom in the sky. And eventually, the missive is revealed on Dimmsdale # 8217 ; s thorax in forepart of the whole small town. We will write a custom essay sample on The Scarlet Letter- An Analysis Of Symbolism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The A besides takes on many significances. It has the original significance every bit good as different significances to assorted characters. To Hester, the A means humiliation. The A to Dimmesdale is a reminder of his ain attrition. To Pearl, the A is distinctive feature and Roger Chillingworth sees the A as a journey for revenge. Other so adultery, the A can besides stand for # 8220 ; Angel # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; Able # 8221 ; . Angel, for it appears in the sky after Governor Winthrop # 8217 ; s decease. Able, for Hester has won the regard of the Puritans even if she has sinned awfully. Hawthorne uses the prison edifice to depict offense and penalty in contrast with the gravestone at the terminal of the novel. This statement suggests the offense and penalty will finally take to the decease of the criminal. One positive symbol is the rosebush outside the prison. I feel it represents a sweet individual hidden in the incasements of a dark prison, a true diamond in the rough. The symbol for Puritanism, harmonizing to one critic, is when Hawthorne uses the beadle. I can see how the Puritans are compared to minor parish functionaries in the Church of England by the manner the society follows their lead. The Puritan kids are taught to contemn Hester for her criminal conversation. In the Puritan regulation this is an severe wickedness, so they dominate the judicial side of her penalty. The Puritan universe and the natural universe are besides contrasted continuously throughout the novel. The remainder of the symbolism is showed through the scene and the characters. The scene influences the overall temper of the book, while the characters write the novel and do it what it is. The full ambiance is grey. The skies and vesture of the people of the town are ever dark. This darkness symbolizes con cealment and secrets. Darkness normally ever represents a universe of immorality. The brightness of the twenty-four hours, nevertheless, is the symbol of exposure, where everything is seen. As colour is brought in, felicity is added. The Sun is bright with joy and has a life free of guilt. Pearl, as she runs in the wood, obtains and absorbs this sunlight. The Sun is incapable of touching Hester because of her indiscretion on her chest. The scaffold is mentioned numerously throughout the novel for a significant ground. The scaffold is non merely a symbol of Puritan codification but becomes a symbol for a documentation of personal wickedness. It is the topographic point where Dimmesdale knows he must travel for retribution, the lone topographic point he can get away from Chillingworth # 8217 ; s bantam tether. The wood is a really symbolic topographic point. It can be interpreted in three different ways. The first manner is as an evil topographic point where psyche are signed off to the Satan. In add-on, the wood is a topographic point where darkness and somberness conquers. Finding a way to steer you through this wood is what Hester has been seeking to happen over her old ages. The wood besides is symbolic for it is a topographic point where Pearl can run and play and Hester can allow her hair down without society glowering upon them. The creek is a symbol in several ways. It is an unknown beginning and travels through obscureness. The creek babbles to Pearl giving a history of wretchedness. The creek so becomes a boundary of two universes when Pearl will non traverse it. The natural universe which is the side Pearl is on while the other side is the Puritan eyeball. Character symbolism is a typical manifestation of Hawthorne # 8217 ; s symbolism. The Church, State, and Witchcraft of the Puritan universe are represented by Reverend Mr. Wilson, Governor Billingham, and Mistress Hibbins which were, later, all associated with the scaffold, a Puritan wickedness base. Pearl # 8217 ; s call itself is symbolic because it is the allusion of great monetary value. In this instance, that monetary value is Hester # 8217 ; s repute and her standing in the community. Pearl is besides a self-contained symbol. The consequence of her parent # 8217 ; s wickedness is shown in her frequently imprudent remarks and unchecked behaviour. Each character in the fresh suffers from a wickedness which they try to oppress and deplore with goodness from their ain bosom. The Scarlet Letter is a book filled with symbolism. I feel the symbolism helps to associate a state of affairs to a place the reader knows about. The critic which I based this on feels that there is voluminous histories of symbolism, even excessively much. I must differ with this. Hawthorne # 8217 ; s The Scarlet Letter is an surprisingly written book for its clip with merely the right sum of powerful symbolism.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Germany hyperinflation Essay Essays
Germany hyperinflation Essay Essays Germany hyperinflation Essay Essay Germany hyperinflation Essay Essay In 1923. Germany experienced hyperinflation which about ruined the nation’s Mark. At the clip of this happening. Germany emerged from the first World War as a also-ran in more ways that one: Not merely did the state lose the war. but the application of Treaty of Versailles crippled the German economic system. The reverberations of England’s demands of war compensation from Germany led to the latter country’s turn with hyperinflation. Even as the American Dollar presently faces a devaluation. though non on the graduated table of 1923 Germany. the American Federal Reserve Board should be wary of its current pecuniary policy and zero rising prices methods. Hyperinflation refers to rising prices that rises rapidly due to lift in monetary values because of the rapid diminution in the value of a nation’s currency. There are assorted ways to specify the oncoming of hyperinflation. : As stated at Wikipedia. Philip Cagan claims an economic system possibly confronting hyperinflation in four ways: First. if a nation’s people choose to deprive from their nation’s pecuniary currency. choosing to put in other nation’s assets. for illustration ; 2nd. if the nation’s people see pecuniary sums in a foreign currency more stable than of the local currency ; 3rd. recognition gross revenues occur at monetary values that compensate for the doomed of currency value ; and 4th involvement rates. monetary values. and rewards are linked to the monetary value index and the cumulative rise of rising prices over a three twelvemonth period peers or surpasses the 100 per centum grade ( â€Å"Hyperinflation†) . In the twelvemonth 1923 in Germany. rising prices hit 3. 25 * 10^6 per month. affecting monetary values that doubled every two yearss. Harmonizing to Wikipedia. most economic experts province. hyperinflation occurs with â€Å"an inflationary rhythm without a inclination towards equilibrium†( â€Å"Hyperinflation†) . There are marks of a state heading towards hyperinflation such as a period of uncheck rise in money supply. political and/or societal agitation. and/or wars or the consequences of wars. This latter class proves evident with Germany in the wake of World War I. Even as Germany made reparations in conformity with the Treaty of Versailles. the British demands led to stultifying effects on the German economic system. The â€Å"London Ultimatum†in May 1921 demanded reparations in gold to be paid in one-year installments of 2. 000. 000. 000 gold Markss plus 26 per centum of the value of Germany’s exports. 3 Before the ultimatum. the Mark â€Å"was comparatively stable at about 60 Marks per US dollar during the first half of 1921†( â€Å"Hyperinflation†) . Guttman stipulates that even as Germany made its first payment to the British in in August 1921 ( 21-26 ) . The seeds were planted for the rapid devaluation of the German currency which fell to less than one tierce of a cent by November 1921 about 330 Marks per US Dollar. The entire reparations demanded was far more than the entire German gold or foreign exchange. . The Germans printed more currency to cover its debt and at higher denominations. The Germans attempted to purchase foreign exchange with exchequer measures and commercial debt. but this unwittingly led to a quicker devaluation of the nation’s currency. More marks of hyperinflation appeared in Germany in the resulting old ages. Early on in 1922. the Mark temporarily stabilized at about 320 Marks per Dollar along with international reparation conferences. Unfortunately. nevertheless. these conferences offered no solution to Germany’s sufferings. and by December 1922. the value of the Mark dropped to 8000 Marks per Dollar. The cost of populating index was 41 in June 1922 roses to 685 in December. In January of the undermentioned twelvemonth. Gallic and Belgian military personnels that occupied the Ruhr vale in Germany demanded that reparations be paid in goods like coal since â€Å"the Mark was practically worthless†( â€Å"Hyperinflation†) . Reparations. accounted for one tierce of the German shortage from 1920 to 1923 ( Bresciani-Turroni. 93 ) . Germany printed ( see wikipedia ) The rising prices peaked in November 1923 when the authorities introduced the Rentenmark to replace the named Papiermark. The German authorities backed the Rentenmark with monies obtained from mortgaged lands and industrial goods. When the German people accepted this Rentermark. which had a fixed value. the rising prices ended. Another state that is perchance on the route to hyperinflation is the United States. Earlier in 2008. the Federal Reserve tried to bolster the dollar by take downing involvement rates and by harmonizing to Peter Schiff‘s â€Å"Dollar Bears: The route to hyper-inflation. †for illustration â€Å"switching out $ 200 billion dollars of exchequer debt for potentially worthless mortgage-backed securities. †The securities are considered worthless because no private equity house would even touch them. Paper dollars are Federal Reserve Note doing them the liabilities of the Fed. When the Fed puts new notes into circulation it does so by purchasing assets. normally U. S. exchequers. which it so holds on its balance sheet to countervail that liability. Schiff noted. â€Å"By trading exchequers for mortgages. the Fed efficaciously alters the digest of its balance sheet and the backup of its notes. †Schiff observed that â€Å"backing paper money with mortgages isn’t new. The Gallic tried it in the eighteenth century. and it [ led ] to hyperinflation. †Assignats. the currency which the French used in 1790 to help in funding the country’s revolution attempts. were backed by mortgages on confiscated church belongingss. The job was that the revolutionists continuously printed Assignats. despite deprecating the value of their ain currency. As Schiff stated. â€Å"By 1799 the currency was wholly worthless. †To avoid the possible hazard of investing in mortgage securities. the Fed could prosecute is zero rising prices policy utilizing the Keysenian macroeconomics theoretical account. Under this theoretical account the cardinal bank would keep a zero per centum nominal involvement rate. The intent is to promote investing in the economic system by doing capital purchases more enticing. Harmonizing to the pro-zero rising prices side in Rebecca Hellerstein‘s article â€Å"The Impact of Inflation. †â€Å"zero rising prices allow consumers and houses to compose simpler contracts and do long-run programs for retirement or future investing with less concern. †The statement. in the contrary. about the costs acquiring to this point would outweigh the benefits. Economic end product would be lost. Unemployment would lift. Workers would see lost in wage. because of Hellerstein provinces in her article. â€Å"Firms use rising prices to ‘cover’ accommodations in existent rewards. †Besides. retired persons wouldn’t see the cost of populating accommodations that that would have with a low to chair involvement rate due to zero rising prices. Furthermore. zero rising prices could take to deflation. and terrible deflation could take to high involvement rates with falling nominal monetary values. Germany. at the terminal of World War I went through a major economic crisis with hyperinflation because of rapid devaluation of its currency. Germany was unable to adequately run into the signifier of reparation of its war debt with England. This led the state to devaluate its ain currency to run into its demands. Because of this devaluation the Germans had to do other reparations in industrial goods like coal. America with its current rising prices and chases of a pecuniary policy that resembles what the Gallic pursued in the 1790s could take to hyperinflation. An option in the signifier of zero rising prices seems a proper class to some economic experts. but to the people themselves. the costs of making this point may be exceeded by the costs. WORKS CITED Bresciani-Turroni. Constantino. The Economics of Inflation. London: George Allen A ; Unwin. 1937. Cagan. Phillp. â€Å"The Monetary Dynamics of Hyperinflation. †in Milton Friedman ( Editor ) . Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1956. Guttman. William. The Great Inflation. London: Gordon A ; Cremonesi. 1975. Hellenstein. Rebecca. â€Å"The Impact of Inflation. †Regional Review Winter 1997. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Boston MA. 4 May 2008 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //209. 85. 173. 104/search? q=cache: Ihqt79CzCR0J: World Wide Web. Bos. frb. org/economic/nerr/r r1997/winter/hell97_1. htm+zero+inflation+policy A ; hl=en A ; ct=clnk A ; cd=1 A ; gl=us gt ; . Hyperinflation. Wikipedia 28 April 2008. Wikipedia Foundation. Inc. . lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hyperinflation gt ; . Schiff. Peter. â€Å"Dollar Bear: The Road to hyper-inflation. †Today’s Financial News 1 5 March 2008. TodaysFinancialNews. LLC. St. Paul MN. 4 May 2008 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. todaysfinancialnews. com/us-stocks-and-markets/dollar-bear- hyperinflation/ gt ; .
Friday, November 22, 2019
Social Media Optimization Increase Traffic Visibility - CoSchedule
Social Media Optimization Increase Traffic Visibility Are you familiar with social media optimization? If so, are your social media profiles and strategy optimized to help your content rank in search and drive traffic to your blog? Its okay if your answer is I dont know. We wanted to know more about social media optimization and so we rolled up our shirt sleeves (not literally) and dug into some deep research. In this post, well share what weve found, and how to put some of that information to use. How To Increase Visibility With #SocialMedia Optimization via @bensailer What Is Social Media Optimization? The answer to this question is a little more complex and less obvious than what we expected to find. Marketer Rohit Bhargava is credited with coining the term back in 2006. According to Bhargava, we can define social media optimization (SMO) as: The concept behind SMO is simple: implement changes to optimize a site so that it is more easily linked to, more highly visible in social media searches on custom search engines (such as Technorati), and more frequently included in relevant posts on blogs, podcasts and vlogs. Using this definition, SMO is similar to search engine optimization, in the sense that your goal is to maximize visibility and traffic to your site or blog from social media. That sounds straightforward enough, but we also need to keep in mind that this definition is nearly ten years old. If SMO is anything like SEO, then we can expect that some of those tactics which were relevant a decade ago, may no longer be relevant today. Our questions led to more questions before we started to find some real answers. We'll dig into optimizing your social channels in a bit, but there's something else we need to touch on first. Recommended Reading The Simple 10-Step-Guide To Better Search Engine Ranking For Writers How To Write Headlines That Drive Traffics, Shares, And Search Results Why Is Social Media Optimization Important? You have a few social media channels set up for your blog or business. You're posting content on a consistent basis (and you might even be using to help manage that process). There's always more you can be doing to make sure you're earning as much visibility on social media as possible (and we say that because we can always do more). Like with all things social media, once you stop moving, you start to sink. You have to keep active. Always crossing your T's and dotting your I's every single step of the way. When you stop moving on #socialmedia you start to sink. Be consistent! #blogging More specifically, SMO is important because: Your social media profiles can rank for branded search terms, helping you hog more search result space. Paying attention to all the small aspects of SMO can add up and make a big impact. If you're not following these best practices, you may actually be hurting your social media presence and losing out on valuable referral traffic little by little. Once you've read this post, you'll be prepared to tackle the following goals: Increase the visibility of your social media profiles in searches. Drive more traffic to your blog or website from your social media platforms. Most of these recommendations pertain to small changes you can make on your blog, website, and social media profiles. The focus here is on technical mechanics, rather than on the art and craft of creating content. Now, let's get to work. How To Make Your Blog Or Website Social Media-Friendly The first place to start with social media optimization is directly on your blog and/or website. This entails that you have a handful of items in place to make sure your site or blog displays content attractively when shared on social media. You'll also want to make sure it's easy and intuitive for users to share your content as well. You'll want to make sure your site or blog displays content attractively and is easy to share on social media. Add Social Sharing Buttons To Your Site Blog Posts If your site or blog doesn't have them already, it might be time to add social sharing buttons. While there is some debate over the best placement for social media buttons on blogs, or whether people actually use them, they do make it easier for users to share your content. Need a plugin to add social sharing buttons to your blog? Monarch (paid) Social Warfare (paid) Shareaholic (free) Add Linkable Content To Your Static Website Pages Blog posts are inherently shareable on social media. If you didn't think your post was worth sharing, you probably wouldn't have written it in the first place. Static website pages are pages on your blog or website that are static (like an "About Us" or "service" page). It can be difficult to make static pages interesting enough for people to share. And that isn't because they aren't important. It's because, there typically isn't much on those pages that make folks want to like, share, tweet, or pin them. What's the solution then? The solution is to add value to your static website pages with linkable content. That means adding valuable content that can easily be linked in social media posts. This provides something of value that people are likely to share with their followers. What can you add to your static pages to draw social media attention: White papers or e-books Videos Infographics Contest signup forms Create content that adds value to a page and gives readers a reason to share it. You could even consider creating hub pages with a ton of downloadable content all in one place. Our own Resource Library is just one example of what this idea can look like in action. Recommended Reading: 21 Social Media Engagement Tactics That Will Grow Your Audience Add Buttons In Your Blog Posts Adding a click-to-tweet button in your blog posts can help give your content an extra push on Twitter. Pro Tip: Pull interesting quotes or statistics that readers will likely find interesting and put them in click-to-tweet boxes so your readers can share them quickly. ClickToTweet is a simple web service that lets you create click-to-tweet links that you can copy and paste into your posts. Alternately, you can also use the awesome Click-To-Tweet WordPress plugin built by our very own team at . Here's what they look like in action: Are you doing social media optimization the right way? Find out here. #SMOAdd Twitter Cards And Facebook Open Graph Markup To Your Website, Blog, And Blog Posts Adding Twitter Cards and Facebook Open Graph markup to your web pages and blog posts can help you control how they appear when they are shared by others online. What Are Twitter Cards? Twitter Cards are simply a few lines of HTML that allow you to specify photos, videos, and other media that appear when a page is shared on Twitter. There are four different types of cards you can choose from: Summary Cards: These include a page title, description, image thumbnail, and an @ attribution to your Twitter account. Summary Card With Large Images: These are the same as Summary Cards, but with a bigger image. App Cards: These feature a direct download link for a mobile app. Player Cards: These include a media player for video or audio content. Here's an example of what a Summary Card with a large image can look like: What Is Facebook Open Graph Markup? In short, Facebook open graph markup is code that is added to your blog or website to help control how pages and posts appear on Facebook when people share them. It lets you control the image, title, and description that appears when a URL is shared on the platform. How To Implement Twitter Cards Facebook Open Graph Data On Your Home Page Twitter Cards are easy to implement on WordPress sites using the Yoast SEO plugin. Follow these steps to set yours up: Install the Yoast plugin, if you haven't already. Find Yoast SEO in the WordPress dashboard on the left-hand-side navigational bar. Scroll down to Social and then select Twitter. Here, you can add Twitter card data to your site. You can also set it up to use a Summary Card or the Summary Cards with Large Images in your default option. Now that you've enabled the Twitter Card functionality, you'll need to specify which data and images you want to appear. For this step, we'll need to open the Facebook tab and fill out the Open Graph data. This information will be used when your home page is shared on both Facebook and Twitter, so you're knocking out two birds with one stone here. How To Add Twitter Cards And Facebook Open Graph Data To Individual Blog Posts Yoast also allows you to add Twitter cards to individual blog posts. Just scroll to the bottom of your blog post in WordPress, find the Yoast box (it should be easy to spot), and then click the button shown below to find social media options. You'll be brought to a screen where you can add or edit the Open Graph data for Facebook. You'll also be able to create a card for Twitter here. That's all it takes. Pro Tip: For additional assistance on how to implement Twitter cards in WordPress, please visit Twitter's official Twitter Card support documentation. You'll find information for other content management systems there as well. How To Optimize Your Social Media Channels For Maximum Visibility Now that we know what social media optimization is, and we understand why it's important, it's time to get down to brass tacks and start implementing some tactics and best practices. Let's get started with one social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Youtube) at a time. How To Optimize For Facebook Let's get your Facebook page looking its best. Even if you've already filled out your profile, there is always room for improvement. Optimize Your Cover Photo There's more to having a good cover photo than just slapping something in there with your logo. Make your cover image 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. Choose an image that clearly communicates what your blog or brand is about. If you want potential followers to give their email address or to visit your promotion that's currently running, consider swapping out your cover photo to promote it. Include A Relevant Call-To-Action Button Facebook gives you seven different call-to-action button options that you can use. These include: Book Now Contact Us Use App Play Game Shop Now Sign Up Watch Video Here's an example of what these call-to-action buttons can look like: See the signup button? It takes users straight to our homepage, where they can choose to sign up for a 14-day free trial with . (P.S. Do you see how we used the cover photo to point to the sign up button?) You could share a link to: An email signup form. A customer service page. An app download. E-commerce page, or anything else that may be applicable. To get the most from your cover photo: Use a visually appealing graphic with a snappy headline. Include a visual indicator pointing towards your CTA. Write a strong image description for your cover photo (If you'd like, you can even include another link there as well). Add A Comprehensive Bio Section To Help Your Profile Get Found Don't skimp on filling out your bio (or the rest of your profile). Be comprehensive and include as much information as you can to help your audience. Make sure your biography includes relevant keywords (much like you'd use to describe your business on your website, or your About page on your blog). Be descriptive and show your personality. Being thorough in completing your profile can help your Facebook company page rank in the search results. Make Sure Your URL And Contact Information Are Up-To-Date If you have a business with a physical location, make sure the address and phone number on your Facebook page match your website. Also make sure your website or blog URL is correct. I know, these might really seem like minor details, but you'd be surprised how often these are omitted or left incorrect. Sometimes the devil is in the details and if you aren't careful those small things will group together into something larger. Are you including links in your #Facebook image captions? #bloggingInclude Links In Image Captions This is sometimes overlooked, but remember image captions offer another place to add a link. It's a small detail, but it can help add a bit of traffic back to your blog or website. This goes for your cover photo too. Here's an example from our Facebook page (and in case you missed it, yes, we really did give pizzas away! :) Upload Video Directly To Facebook Video is growing in importance for content marketing, with YouTube dominating as the online video platform of choice. Facebook has taken steps to be more competitive as a place to find prime video content. For this reason, Facebook prioritizes and favors video posted directly into Facebook, versus video shared from YouTube (or somewhere else). To get the most reach from your video content on Facebook: Try posting video files directly into Facebook. Even if you usually share videos on YouTube, you still can (and should) like usual, but consider sharing that same video directly to Facebook. Pro Tip: For tips on how to upload video, follow Facebook's official support documentation. Embed Video From Facebook Into Your WordPress Posts This is another great way to increase the reach of your Facebook video content. For tips on how to embed Facebook video into WordPress, check out this video tutorial: Here's what an embedded video from Facebook could look like on your blog: //
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Russia's Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Russia's Economy - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the strength that exist within the Russian Federation, it can categorically be said that the natural resource markets for oil, natural gas, and mineral extraction have provided the Russian Federation with a runaway level of economic growth during a period in which much of the remainder of the world has been mired in recession. As a direct result of the fact that the Russian Federation has untold billions of barrels of oil in on reservoirs, the potential for growth within the near future is profound. Moreover, surveys into overall levels of natural gas resources within the Russian Federation indicate that this country has the largest known reserves of natural gas anywhere in the rest of the world.1 Copious supplies of coal, iron, gold, silver, diamonds, and other desired natural resources are also found in abundance in Russia’s the vast eastern wilderness. Finally, another core strength/bright spot of the Russian economy is concentric upon the fact that the Russian Federation exhibit a very high level of educational aptitude and higher learning; doubtless the result of decades of Soviet education that adequately equipped individuals with profound levels of scientific and engineering knowledge. However, apart from the bright spots and potentials for development that had previously been elaborated upon, perhaps the greatest drawback that exists currently within the Russian Federation is contingent upon the overall level of corruption within the country. At nearly almost every level, corruption is a stifling influence which creates unknown prices and incalculable expense for companies that choose to operate within its borders. Such a constraint to foreign direct investment has significantly reduces the overall number of firms that are actively interested in developing their companies further within the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Air Pollution in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Air Pollution in the USA - Essay Example Air pollution is a very important topic for discussion and research since air itself is required for every creature and living thing on the surface of the planet. Not only on land but also in water since air pollution has an effect on the level of contaminants in the sea as well. Undoubtedly, air pollution levels have been rising in the recent past and the overall blame for that is given to human activity and the industrial and commercial ventures of civilization as a whole. While the effects of air pollution on the environment are often disastrous and not easily reversible, the central issue with air pollution concerns itself more with the quality of life on the planet. Since human beings are the predominant creators of air pollution and they are also the life form which objects violently to air pollution, the solution for the problem also has to come from them. There are several ways and means which are currently being utilized to prevent air pollution from becoming a mammoth problem and some of those are discussed in this paper. Method The research for this paper was conducted in the library and various electronic and manual sources were utilized to locate the information which is connected with air pollution, its effect on the environment and the means by which it can be prevented. After a quick reading of collected materials, five sources were selected for detailed examination with which the ideas and constructs presented in the paper were eventually formed. The results from the research clearly show that the largest and most significant causes of air pollution are the industrial and commercial activities of humans.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Rizal in Japan Essay Example for Free
Rizal in Japan Essay JAPAN Among the happiest moments of Rizal in his life was his sojourn in the Land of the Cherry Blossoms. He stayed in Japan for one month and a half from February 28 to April 13, 1888. He was charmed by the natural beauty of Japan, the manners of the Japanese people and the picturesque of shrines. He also fell in love with a Japanese girl, who loveliness infused joy and romance in his sorrowing heart. Morning of Tuesday, February 28, 1888, Rizal arrived at Yokohama and stayed in the Grand Hotel. The following day, he moved to Tokyo and took a room at the Tokyo Hotel where he stayed from March 2 to 7. He was impressed by the city of Tokyo. After his arrival in Tokyo, Rizal was visited by Juan Perez caballero, secretary of Spanish Legation. The latter invited him to live at the Spanish Legation. Rizal knew that this was the Spanish government’s way of monitoring Rizal but he accepted anyways. On March 7, he moved out of Tokyo Hotel and lived at the Spanish Legation. He and Perez Caballero became good friends and described him as a young, fine and an excellent writer. During his first day in Tokyo, Rizal could talk the Japanese language. He had a hard time for shopping for he could not be understood and children laughed at him. With his situation, Rizal decided to study the Japanese language. He was able to speak within a few days. At Japan he studied the Japanese drama, arts, music, and judo. He also visited museums, libraries, art galleries, and shrines. He visited Meguro, Nikko, Hakone, Miyanoshita, and the charming villages of Japan. During one time, Rizal went to the park and heard the Tokyo band playing a classical work of Strauss. He was impressed by the great performances of the Western music. He thought to himself how admirable their renditions are and ondered how they have assimilated the modern European music to the extent of playing the beautiful masterpieces of the European composers so well. The band stopped playing and to his surprised they were speaking
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Contemporary Society Essay -- Australian Contemporary Society
Contemporary Society Name: Institution: Contemporary Society Social and political scientists have associated contemporary society with a myriad of characteristics which include rapid technological advancements, greater human interactions, promotion of gender equality, and respect for human rights (Halcli & Browning, 2000, p. 226). However, many obstacles have stood on the way to achieving a number of important social issues such as ensuring proper gender equity in various government and private institutions. The Australian contemporary society is no exception as recent developments in the military composition have revealed a gap in gender equity among other gender sensitive issues. The Australian Defense Force (ADF) is grappling with increasing cases of misconduct and violation of women’s rights following recent sex scandals involving military cadets as well as a very low number of women recruits. The revelations have sparked strong reactions among those involved in the leadership of the Australian Defense Force Academy (ADFA) and the ADF in general. Apart from sexual predation, other issues which have been unearthed include alcoholism among male and female military personnel, and intimidation and bullying of female officers. In the midst of all these chaos within a highly regarded institution such as the ADF, the question arises as to whether the scenario reflects the contemporary Australian society. Therefore, this paper attempts to discuss these issues in light of the degree to which the culture in the ADF reflect contemporary Australian society. The latest most sensitive news regarding the Australian Defense Force Academy (ADFA) have been nothing less of shocking. Evidence has pointed to cases of sexua... ...rather not be tempted to imply that female military personnel carry no taint of misconduct. According to (Packham, 2011), the first year cadet pleaded guilty to charges of drinking and being absent without leave. In addition, the sexual encounter was said to have been consensual. This culture of breaking the rules in the ADF reflect a society whereby alcoholism has played a major role in contributing to misconduct. Both genders are affected but it seems to be rampant among males. The current situation depicts a scenario whereby the question of gender is being handled on the basis of a struggle whereby women are engaged in a fight to be recognized and respected. This is happening under a strong cultural influence in which gender roles are finely defined and women are not expected to have an equal footing with men in certain areas.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care, Children and Young People Unit 11 Essay
Poverty can have a huge impact on a Young Persons life. A family living on a low –income or benefits might not be able to provide for their children as they would like or as is necessary. Accommodation may be poor and inadequate, with not enough space or functioning essential home items. Money may not be available to pay the energy bills. The children’s dietary needs may be affected by low income. The local community in low-income areas may be impoverished. This may lead to a higher crime rate, vandalism of local amenities, reducing the Young Person access to local parks and playgrounds and affecting them being able to play outside of the house at leisure time. The prospects of a lack of continued higher education after school and fulfilling employment in impoverished areas could affect the Young Persons outlook on life causing fear and insecurities and a lack of motivation. In some research carried out by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2007 into the impact of poverty on young children’s experience of school, the key points found from interviewing 220 children aged Four to Eleven as well as parents and teachers were The level of disadvantage they face determines how most children experience school. Poorer children in the study accepted that they were not going to get the same quality of schooling, or the same outcomes, as better-off children. Children and parents identified the main costs of school as uniform (including shoes), lunches and school trips. Children in disadvantaged schools were very aware of all the costs and of the difficulties parents faced in finding as little as 50 pence or a pound for school events. The experiences of school for children from poorer families were narrower and less rich. For example, children in disadvantaged schools had limited access to music, art and out-of-school activities that children in advantaged schools generally took for granted. Boys as young as nine in disadvantaged schools were disenchanted with school and starting to disengage. They are being particularly failed by the education system due to the interaction of: educational disadvantage faced by children growing up in poverty; the difficulties faced by teachers in disadvantaged schools; and differences in the ways that boys and girls are socialised. Social Issues – Divorce introduces a massive change into the life of a child no matter what the age. Witnessing the loss of love between parents, having parents break their marriage commitment, adjusting to going back and forth between two different households, and the daily absence of one parent while living with the other, all create a challenging new family circumstance in which to live. In the personal history of the boy or girl, parental divorce is a life-changing event. Life that follows is significantly changed from how it was before. For the young child, divorce affects the trust of the parents who can now behave in an extremely undependable way due to their own problems and life changing circumstances. This can produce anxiety, aggression and rebellious behaviours in a child. Cultural – I have chosen to look at one aspect of Culture and that is Religion and it’s positive effects on young people. Religious practice is usually done in a group context and thus involves social relationships. These relationships can provide friendship and social support in times of emotional needs. Religious participation can have beneficial psychological effects. Religion can improve psychological health through increased self-esteem, producing a sense of belonging to the immediate religious group and an interconnection with the world, which is so lacking in modern times, and can help a young person to find meaning in life. Family participation is typical in religious activities, as distinct from other groups that family members may individually participate in (e.g., sports clubs, after school clubs, book clubs) that tend to separate people by age, sex, and personal interest. Thus, if the whole family practices the same religion, religious activities can serve to strengthen ties among family members. 3. 2.3 The choices young people make can have immediate and long-term effects on their lives. As adults and support staff we have to ensure we empower young people to make the right decisions. Children and young people can be seen as experts in their own lives; they often know what it feels like to be in their situation and to have had their personal experiences. Children and young people know something different to adults. It has ben said that adults follow paths, children explore. Treating children and young people as experts in their own lives means showing respect for what they say or communicate. This is not to say that children and young people always know what is in their best interests and they often want adults to help them make important decisions. Sometimes it is the role of adults (parents, family and professionals) to set boundaries and to identify the best course of action. Yet this needs to be done with children and young people who may know best how they feel. Some of the choices young people face making are – academic, career pathway and lifestyle choices i.e. smoking, drinking and drug taking. Children and young people with disabilities may need parents and support staff to make decisions for them if they are unable to due to their conditions. This always needs to be done in the best interests of the child and within international and local law and guidelines. Learning outcome 2 – Understand how practitioners can make a positive difference in the outcomes for children and young people 1. 2. Every child is an individual with individual needs and their own potential that they should be encouraged to develop. As support staff we should try to get to know the young people we are caring for as best as is possible to be able to achieve this. Sometimes the positive outcomes for a young person are seemingly small, but because of varying disabilities these small steps can be massive. One of the young people I am supporting has many issues with diet. I recently through much hard work encouraged him to try a new food. This addition to his diet is the first new foodstuff he has eaten in Three years. We should be constantly striving to help our young people to be all they can be through the person centered approach to caring. With the help of the multi-disciplinary team working holistically each young person can actuate to the best of their abilities. Each young person has their own care plan, which is constantly updated through the feed back from all staff supporting that YP. These care plans are in place so each member of staff is aware of the specific needs of the individual. The person centered approach to care means we are supporting and treating the individual and not the disability.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Doctor of Pharmacy Admission Essay
My name is Cidone Saintvil, and I am 33years old. I am currently attending Broward College in Davie, Florida. I have selected pharmacy as a career because through the course of my life I have seen how much people come to depend on their pharmacist.Growing up, I saw that patients do not always have knowledge about medications and often they are afraid to speak to their doctor about how they should take medications. The person people turn to for guidance and for clarification of medical questions is their pharmacist.I have learned a great deal over the last few years, but I know there is much more that I can learn. My long-term goal is to become pharmacist. My immediate goal is to continue to learn as much as I can to be able to help my patients to become knowledgeable on the importance of their medications. I believe that the Doctor of Pharmacy program will help me achieve both of these goals.I come from the same socioeconomic background as many of the patients that come t o the pharmacies that I have worked in. I am bilingual which will help in situations where a patient needs something explained in their native language. I can interpret and counsel these patients easily on how and why they need to take their medications.My parents are elderly, so I have a very good understanding of how to deal with elderly customers. Many pharmacists do not realize the amount of patience and understanding that is needed to help the elderly and going with my mother or father to pick up a medication for them, I have seen how exasperated a pharmacist can get when my parents ask them a lot of questions. I also have a good moral character and I believe that I will serve as a role model for future pharmacists.In July of 2003, I achieved my certification as a Certified Pharmacy Technician in July of 2003. I have been attending Broward College and the classes that I have taken there have given me a good foundation on which to build other essential knowledge that I will learn in the Doctor of Pharmacy program.I have been mentored throughout my education by Morris Bellman, a pharmacist. Mr. Bellman has been a mentor and a friend and he has taught me many important lessons, lessons that I treasure greatly. He has taught me the importance of the way that prescription drugs are administered, what the possible side effects of different drugs are, and about the cost and availability of generic drugs that can be substituted for the prescription equivalent.I have learned a deal by reading the most current scholarly papers in the field of pharmacy. I feel I am now prepared for the next step in my educational journey, the Doctor of pharmacy program.For the past 11 years I have worked in various positions dealing with medication and patients. From January 1998 to 2003, I held the positions of a material handler and a customer service clerk at Caremark Mail Order Pharmacy in Weston, Florida.In July of 2003, I received my certification a nd since my certification I have been working for Soliant Health (formerly called Cardinal Health) as a pharmacy technician. With every job that I have held, I have learned a great deal and I have always been eager to learn more and feel each opportunity has further prepared me for my next step which is admission to the Doctor of Pharmacy program.In closing, I feel that my personal and professional background makes me an excellent candidate for this program. I am a hard worker, self motivated and I am looking to make a change. I have always felt that a pharmacist is more then just the dispenser of medications. I feel that the pharmacist is supposed to be someone who has the best interest of the patient in mind and is there to help them with any and all questions.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Biotech paper Essays
Biotech paper Essays Biotech paper Essay Biotech paper Essay Stem Cells Curing Cancer Have you ever thought about your stem cells saving someones life? 21, 013 people die from cancer a year, 404 people per month, 57 per week, and 2 per day. Recently scientists have discovered a cure for cancer patients by using a healthy donars stem cells this is called allogenic stem cell rescue. this paper will inform you about allogenic stem cell rescue, the positive outcomes along with the downfalls of this treatment, and how it affects the citizens in your global community. To begin, allogenic stem cell rescue was developed to cure cancer patients. his escue is performed when a cancer patients stem cells have been destroyed due to igh doses of chemotherapy. when chemotherapy takes place it gets rid of all the abnormal cells. when a patient is in need of healthy stem cells after chemotherapy they will introduce the donars stem cells to the patients body by an IV, these stem cells will be placed in the patients bloodstream. if the do nars cells cooperate with the patients bloodstream they will migrate to the bone marrow, they will start to reproduce healthy leukocytes(white blood cells). once the new leukocytes start producing they will begin to reprodce very quickly. ding to that, allogenic stem cell rescue has saved many lives since it was first succesfully perfomrd in 1968. allogenic stem cell rescue has been very effective over the years. although this treatment may cure the cancer and replace the bone marrow that has been dsetroyed this tretent Iso has many downfalls like, infertility known as the inability to become pregnant. Thyroid disease is another downfall, thyroid disease is when your hormones become impaired. even though this stem cell rescue may cure cancer it may also have many side affects after this treatment has taken place. so, allogenic stem cell rescue may affect the global communitys environment and and ethical views. it will affect the environment by improving the health of many people who suffer from cancer. improving the health of many people by finding a treatment for cancer that is taking the lives away of 57 or more people a day is a very reassuring thing. if many citizens in the society agree with the ethics of this cure than we may have more and more donars to help the patients in need of stem cells. this procedure cant be done without the help of healthy donars. in conclusion, Biotech paper By AprilEdstrom1995
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8 Basic Resume Rules for College Students
8 Basic Resume Rules for College Students Back in the day, you could put on your nicest outfit, walk down to a local office, shake hands with the CEO and land a job based on just your charisma and charm. Now, as organizations outsource their hiring to HR representatives and recruiters, your resume is the first (and last) impression that you ever get. No matter your skills or experience, a poorly framed resume can keep you from a career you deserve. For this reason, it can be a good idea to apply to a professional writing service for help. But first, you should get acquainted with the best tips for getting past the invisible barriers that keep out unwanted applicants and launch you into the hiring pool. Plain and Simple A hiring manager or HR doesn’t have time to deal with weird fonts, colored paper, or overly-fancy explanations. They want a resume that is simple to read and will take them little time to evaluate. And, some employers will automatically bump any resume that uses language or visual characteristics that they don’t deem professional. For example, using slang or writing your resume completely in Comic Sans font is a great way to get your resume chucked before anyone even has a chance to read it. Consistent Organization It’s important to set up your resume so that each section uses the same organizational structure to make it easy to read. For example, if you start by listing the years you worked at a particular location followed by the job duties you performed, you would want to keep that structure for your extracurricular activities, education, etc. To better understand the structure of a resume, you might need to read our step-by-step guide for writing a resume. Avoid the Objective – Stick to a Summary Some resume classes explain that having a resume objective at the top is a good idea – so that people know what you’re looking for. The problem is, no one cares. Instead of writing an objective for yourself, use the top section of your resume to write a summary – a couple of lines about why someone should hire you instead of another person. In addition, avoid using the pronoun â€Å"I†in your resume. Instead, use active verbs to express what you can do. Objective: I am seeking employment at a fast food restaurant to support my final year of college. Summary: Outgoing people person who loves to improve the customer buying experience. Dealing with Blank Experience Section If you are getting ready to look for your first job, you might be concerned with the lack of experience that you have. Don’t worry. Instead, use your creative writing skills to summarize some of the experience and skills that you bring to a potential employer. Often, you can find these skills in the ad you’re responding to, with frequently used words like, â€Å"organized,†â€Å"dependable,†â€Å"customer-oriented,†etc. In addition, avoid using work experience that doesn’t relate to the job you’re applying for. Example: Organizational Skills Able to quickly identify and organize an area so that workflow is more efficient. Participated in setting up and managing schedules for 5-10 people. Visual Space Remember: no one wants to read a huge block of text. Break down your resume into sections and bulleted subsections. That will make it easier for the HR representative to read and makes you look much more organized than the competition. Work Only Sometimes new applicants forget that their entire goal is to get a job, not get more Twitter followers. It’s important that everything on your resume directly relates to the position you’re applying for. That means don’t put links to your blog page or mention your skill of being able to touch your tongue to your nose. Unless you’re applying for a job as a circus nose-licker, it’s not likely to be considered very professional. Use Buzz Words Depending on your dream job’s requirements, there may be buzzwords that are necessary to get you past the computer filters that are keeping out the wrong applicants. Consider the job you are applying for and the ideal candidate for the job. If there are attributes or concepts that have been emphasized, find a way to include those words in your resume. Ad text: The perfect applicant for this job will be attentive to detail, organized, and able to meet a deadline. Resume text: Quick-thinking accountant who loves deadlines and detail. My desk is exactly like my calculations – organized and clean. Read it Out Once your resume is finished, you need to get it proofread by someone other than spellcheck. Share it with a friend, family member, or professional proofreader. They will be much more likely to catch mistakes and suggest areas that are in need of improvement. If you dont have any idea on how to write a resume with no job experience, check our guide for students now!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The theories of Organizational Behavior (F. Taylor and E. Mayo) Essay
The theories of Organizational Behavior (F. Taylor and E. Mayo) - Essay Example From the research it can be comprehended that organizational behavior bears wide appliance in management by examining ways in which persons within an organization behaves. Organizational behavior is efficiently realized by use of certain conjectures developed within this field. Organizational behavior can be observed as a multidisciplinary aspect of management, given that it integrates principles, and thoughts from assorted disciplines that correlate with human actions and relations. Organizational behavior seeks to comprehend the activities of members of a selected organization in an effort to generate competencies to envisage the probable ways in which these persons can conduct themselves. The acquired competencies can afterwards be exploited in the management of the envisaged behaviors that may encumber the accomplishment of the organizational goals. The development of organization and management goes along the commencement of conventional school, which afterwards evolved, into be nevolent approaches concerned with organizational resourcefulness. This further interweaved with other approaches of the contemporary school to form a more pronounced approach than the earlier approaches. Currently, the scientific management conjecture gets used as an offshoot of administration development. The performances of the human relations functions as the organizational stimulator to offer the resourcefulness of employees in a conservative manner in order to encourage higher productivity in commerce and industry. F.W Taylor 'scientific management theory' Scientific management conjecture was prefaced in response to a scientific investigation concerning the resourcefulness of employees within a factory. Conversely, the conjecture got evaluated in a cruel way, since the researchers were required to examine the period movement on a sequence of job responsibilities restricted by the employees, which was the grounds of reimbursement (Thompson 2009, 14). The foundation organization al resourcefulness might participate alongside with the reparation and operation productivity of employees. Scientific management conjecture presents four principles, which are the science of management conjecture by substituting the rule-of-thumb occupation methods, practical mannerisms choose workers through scientific methods (Waring 1994, 5). The others are comprehensive instructional supervision on a certain undertaking via scientific edification, and development and proper relations with workers to make certain that they are willing to perform certain activities within the organization (Akrani 2011, 1). In relation to the scientific management conjecture, the initiative of the workers that are their resourcefulness, willingness and inventiveness is acquired with complete consistency. The managers to certain organizations hold the responsibility of assuming new-fangled inflictions, tasks and responsibilities that had never been anticipated in the precedent. These managers have to collect all relevant information on their areas of specialty. The information from previous workforce in the past has to be collected, classified and calculated to offer basis for the creation of rules and regulations that control a certain industry. The rules, regulations and formulae for conducting certain activities appear to be imperative in the functioning of the organization (Savior 2011, 1). According to Taylor, augmenting the efficiency of the workforce viewed in a scientific point of view, would lead to augment in the chances for more effort, and the actual prosperity of global economics (Bolman, Deal & Pfeffer 2004, 4). Consequently, contentment and other general enhancements in the lives of the workforce are realized. This
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